Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Silently Waiting.

As the week as past I stand strong in my path I've chosen. The silence has begun to set in and I wonder if the memories and conversations of the past, and looking forward to the hopes of the future are all I will have for now.
The anxiety that I dealt with before is now gone and a calm, collected happiness is in its place. Its as if expressing my true feelings was the only release I needed. The thoughts of those around me are but distant mumbles. Who are they to decide what is right for me or what I should or shouldn't do?
The days that I feel lost with out you are the days I know I'll struggle with. To feel as though I have no clue what I'm doing or which way is up is the hardest part. Hopefully those days will be few and far between. I'm sure with time I'll learn to deal with it, but that it will never go away.
As much as the days of silence are hard to deal with, I'm excited to know the countdown to your return is now here. Each day is one less in the wait, one closer to being in your arms again.